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Affiliates of the
Austin Blessings Co-op

We’re a collaboration of people and organizations on a mission to meet our city’s practical, emotional, and spiritual needs. What we have found is there is strength in neighbors across this diverse city that we call home. In a time of division, we aim to unite around a few core principles, and to lean on those who can accomplish things much better than ourselves. We refer to these organizations as “Affiliates” and “Faith-based Partners


Our Affiliates

We partner with a number of non-profits, businesses, and ministries who have a heart for serving the poor and vulnerable in our communities. We refer to these extraordinary organizations as “affiliates”, and our model works to support them with volunteers, innovation, organization, capacity building and funding so that collectively we can address systemic poverty-related issues across the city.

Ministry Affiliates

 Non-profit Affiliates

Educational Affiliates

 Business Affiliates


Join the co-op — become an Affiliate

We'd like you to imagine what your organization could help the co-op achieve by becoming an affiliate. If you're a ministry or non-profit and you're interested in participating, or if you know of one that might be interested:

If you’re interested in becoming a Business Affiliate

please email Brian Rawson, Missions Pastor at Riverbend Church


 Our Faith-based Partners

We partner with local faith-based organizations who have a heart to serve vulnerable people and neighborhoods in and around Austin.


Join the co-op — become a Faith-based Partner

We welcome volunteers and supporters from faith-based organizations across Central Texas, and we are excited to partner with additional partners to help unify the community and transform lives across the region. If your faith-based organization is interested in learning more about becoming a partner with Austin Blessings Co-op, fill out our form.

Austin Blessings Co-op is organized by Riverbend Church

Riverbend is deeply committed to meeting our city’s practical, emotional, and spiritual needs. The mission of Riverbend is to serve the bruised, battered, broken and bored of Austin, with a desire to see everyone experience the amazing grace that God offers us.