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About Austin Blessings Co-op

“Austin Blessings Co-op stands in the gap to show kindness to anyone with a need in our community.

We are a non-traditional cooperative that will partner with any church, non-profit, business or ministry who shares that vision and who wants to make a difference.”

- Pastor Brian Rawson, Founder


 Our Vision & Mission


An Austin which embraces its vulnerable neighbors, unifies the community, and transforms lives across the region.


We unite Austin to bring value, respect, and peace to all who are suffering in our community by providing practical assistance, emotional and spiritual support.


 History of the Co-op


Austin Blessings Co-op was founded by Riverbend Church in 2019 to provide a platform for delivering services to Austin’s most impoverished residents. In the Spring of 2020, as COVID-19 began to ravage our communities, it became clear that a single church, while well-intentioned, could not satisfy the increasing demands for all of the practical, emotional, and spiritual needs of our community.

Riverbend Church, together with a number of faith-based partners, non-profits, businesses, and others, began to organize and collaborate around the resources each organization could bring to bear on the significant challenges facing our communities.


What We Value


We share a love for the bruised, battered, broken, and bored that transcends backgrounds, language barriers, and beliefs.

Our City

We care for its well-being, neighborhood by neighborhood, person by person.


We strive for purpose-driven, sustainable, local partnerships and collaboration for the greater good.


We serve Austin without worrying about who among us gets the credit. God gets all the credit.


We are entrusted with God-given resources that we manage with love, care, and diligence.

The Gospel

And we believe it was intended to be demonstrated.


What We Do In Our Local Communities

  • We devote ourselves to serving vulnerable people and neighborhoods in and around the city of Austin.

  • We commit ourselves to serving the whole person, focusing on practical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

  • We mobilize compassionate people and organizations.

  • We connect faith communities, non-profits, businesses, and people to do the most good with what we are given.

  • We create a venue for our neighbors to serve or be served, just as they are, right where they are.

  • We elevate the people, organizations, and ministries serving on the front line, to provide hubs of hope in every corner of the city.

  • We innovate to extend our reach, facilitate collaboration, and ensure good stewardship of our resources.


Get Involved


Austin Blessings Co-op is only successful because of volunteers like yourself. There is work to be done in this city every day of the week. We encourage you to join this incredible Community of Kindness!


 Meet Our Staff & Volunteer Leaders

Austin Blessings Co-op is blessed to have a team of talented and committed staff that daily lead a significant volunteer-base we call our Community of Kindness. Together, we share a love for the bruised, battered, broken, and bored that transcends backgrounds, language barriers, and beliefs.

Brian Rawson

Mission’s Pastor
Riverbend Church


Thiago Duzzi

Associate Mission’s Pastor
Riverbend Church


Bailey Huffman

Missions & Outreach Coordinator, Riverbend Church
Blessings Delivered


Krista Ross

Volunteer Coordinator
Austin Blessings Co-op


Carol Rawson

Harvest Blessings Food Pantries


Rapha Duzzi

Woven Blessings Boutique


Kimberly Lenz

Woven Blessings Giveaway


Katelyn Huffman

Baby Blessings


Caris Palmer

Angels Afoot


Ash Almonte

Hopefully Sow


Becky Butler

Community First Village!


Sheri Ford

Harvest Blessings Gourmet


Joe Stinus

Austin Disaster Relief Network


Mike Sculley

Fishers of Men


Carol Robertson

Threads of Love
