Welcome to Riverbend Missions’ BBQ & EAT or YEET Fundraiser!
Sunday, July 23
8:30 - 9:00am Breakfast Tacos at the Chapel
9:30 - 10:30am Breakfast Tacos on the Plaza
11:30am - 1pm BBQ and Eat or Yeet Challenge on the Plaza
All proceeds from Sunday’s breakfast, lunch & challenge directly benefit Austin Blessings Co-op Smart Start Fundraiser
What is the EAT or YEET Challenge?
Starting at 11:30am, after church, outside on the plaza - come join us for the EAT or YEET Challenge
Choose food items from either an adult/teen or child menu
Donate Backpacks ($25 each) to challenge a friend, family member or Riverbend staff member to eat the food item that you have chosen
If your person of choice eats the item, great!
If your person refuses to eat the item, you get to YEET (throw) a pie at their face
Either way, it’s a win/win!
GOAL - to raise $10,000 for Riverbend’s Smart Start Back-to-School Fundraiser
If that goal is met by 12:30pm, expect to be treated to a Crazy Eating Challenge by Riverbend Staff members on the stage of the Home for Hope immediately following. You WON’T want to miss this! #surstrommingchallenge