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Welcome to Riverbend Missions’ BBQ & EAT or YEET Fundraiser!

Sunday, July 23

  • 8:30 - 9:00am Breakfast Tacos at the Chapel

  • 9:30 - 10:30am Breakfast Tacos on the Plaza

  • 11:30am - 1pm BBQ and Eat or Yeet Challenge on the Plaza

    • All proceeds from Sunday’s breakfast, lunch & challenge directly benefit Austin Blessings Co-op Smart Start Fundraiser

What is the EAT or YEET Challenge?

  • Starting at 11:30am, after church, outside on the plaza - come join us for the EAT or YEET Challenge

  • Choose food items from either an adult/teen or child menu

  • Donate Backpacks ($25 each) to challenge a friend, family member or Riverbend staff member to eat the food item that you have chosen

  • If your person of choice eats the item, great!

  • If your person refuses to eat the item, you get to YEET (throw) a pie at their face

  • Either way, it’s a win/win!

GOAL - to raise $10,000 for Riverbend’s Smart Start Back-to-School Fundraiser

  • If that goal is met by 12:30pm, expect to be treated to a Crazy Eating Challenge by Riverbend Staff members on the stage of the Home for Hope immediately following. You WON’T want to miss this! #surstrommingchallenge